Become An Affiliate

What it means to be a PWAN UK Affiliate

This section is about those who want to recruit people to join PWAN or sell land directly or indirectly and earn commissions. This method of sales and earn commissions is generally referred to Network Marketing and PWAN has demonstrated over the years to have robust and well operated Network Marketing called PWAN Business Owners (PBO).

When you become a PBO, you can earn commissions from the sales of land or house(direct commission ) or from sales of land from those you recruited directed ( indirect commission or first generation). These commissions you earn from indirect sales can extend to the fourth generation. The only requirement to become a PBO is to click the JOIN Us button below and complete the form. .

PBO New Entry Level and Commission

Associate PBO

Benefits: 10% direct commission of only your activities, no incentives

Membership fees is N5,000 or $5.00. Bank transfer is available

Gold PBO

15% direct commission from sales. 5% indirect commission
Recruitment bonus. Monthly performance bonus
Annual performance bonus
Incentives from sales, etc.

Membership fees is N55,000 or $55.00. Bank transfer is available

Elite Gold PBO

All your bonuses and incentives. With your home ownership subscription,

You will also be added to the Founders Club,

Membership fees is N75,000 or $75.00. Bank transfer is available

Classic Gold PBO

Direct sales commission of 15%. Indirect sales commission of 5% Up to fourth generation. Recruitment bonus
Monthly performance bonus. Annual performance bonus. Incentives: food, Land, Travel✈️️, cars, etc,. Access to your home ownership subscription
You will have access to all your commission, incentives, and bonuses.

Membership fees is N305,000 or $305.00. Bank transfer is available


You are special for life.

Membership fees is N2,105,000 or $2,105.00. Bank transfer is available

Five ways to earn as PBO

  • Through Sales of our Lands and Houses…you will make a lot of both Direct and Indirect Commission which you can use to build your own house.
  • Through Accumulation of Point Values…as you recruit, you will not only earn Commission but you will also earn points you can convert to Cash.
  • Through Team Building…As a Diamond Manager, you will be rewarded with a House
  • Through Promos…as a Marketing Company, promos on Land and Homeownership are announced from time to time. You can qualify for Homeownership through this means.
  • Through Founders Club…one of your benefits as a Member of the PWAN Group Founders Club is Homeownership.

PBO Bonuses

Recruitment Bonus

This is Bonus you earn when you recruit a Gold, Classic Gold, Elite Gold or VIP Gold PBO.

For Gold PBO, it is N10,000 only and for Classic Gold and above, it is N16,000 only.

Renewal Bonus
This is Bonus you earn when your Success lines renew.

For Classic Gold and above, it is N8,000 only.

PBO Commissions

Direct Sales Commission
This is the commission you make when you sell a land or house directly.

It ranges from 10% to 15% for Lands and 2.5% to 5% for Buildings.

Indirect Sales Commission
This is Commission you make when your Successlines make Sales.

It is in four levels of 5%, 2.5%, 1.5% and 1%.

You have all the information you need now to become a PBO. Click the button below to Join US.
